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Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js

Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js header infographic

Irelia Codeheart, Senior Developer

20 August 2023

Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js:
Understanding the Nuxt.js GTM and Gtag Modules

In order to become proficient with Nuxt.js and Google Tag Manager integration, it's imperative we first comprehend the Nuxt.js modules available for this purpose, their key functionalities, amenities they offer, and transition between older and newer versions.

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Overview of Nuxt.js GTM and Gtag Modules

Nuxt.js is a popular framework that provides official packages (modules) to integrate Google Tag Manager (GTM). The @nuxtjs/gtm module simplifies the process of integrating GTM into your Nuxt.js applications. By installing this module and configuring it in your nuxt.config.js file, you can begin using GTM to track user interactions, manage analytics scripts, and more without much heavy lifting.

Another module that was used in Nuxt.js applications for similar purposes is the @nuxtjs/google-gtag module. However, this has been identified as the older version (v1) and is now deprecated.

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Key Functionalities of Nuxt.js GTM and Gtag Modules

The @nuxtjs/gtm package provides flexibility to use GTM in such a way that tracking user-interactions and managing analytics scripts become a whole lot simpler. It offers extensive features like triggers, variables, data layer configurations, event tracking, and integration with router for tracking page views.

By invoking the $gtm.push() method, you can insert events into the configured layer without any hassle. Once the @nuxtjs/gtm module integrates into a Nuxt.js application, it also automatically sets up a Nuxt GTM data layer for interacting with Google Tag Manager.

While the key functionalities of @nuxtjs/gtm and @nuxtjs/google-gtag are similar, it's important to note that the older (@nuxtjs/google-gtag) module is deprecated, and developers are encouraged to transition to the newer (@nuxtjs/gtm) module.

Deprecated and New version: Transitioning from '@nuxtjs/gtm' to '@nuxtjs/google-gtag'

Previously, developers used the @nuxtjs/google-gtag module. However, this is considered the old version (v1) and is no longer recommended for new projects. The @nuxtjs/gtm is the new version (v2) that is currently maintained by the Nuxt.js core team and is recommended for integrating GTM in Nuxt.js applications. It carries forward all the major functionalities of the predecessor but with improved performance, better community support, and compatibility with the latest technologies.

To transition from @nuxtjs/google-gtag to @nuxtjs/gtm, you would need to install the new module using npm or yarn, add it to the nuxt.config.js file, and update your scripts to utilize $gtm.push() method for interacting with the Data Layer.

In summary, while both modules served a similar purpose of integrating GTM into Nuxt.js, the newer @nuxtjs/gtm is the preferred choice due to its advanced features, simplified usage, and current maintenance by the Nuxt.js core team. In the next sections, we'll delve deeper into the actual integration process, exploring step-by-step instructions, best practices, and common troubleshooting methods.

Step-by-Step Tutorial on Implementing Google Tag Manager in Nuxt.js

In this section, we'll focus on implementing Google Tag Manager (GTM) in a Nuxt.js application. By the end of this guide, you'll have a solid understanding of how to install and configure the Nuxt.js Google Tag Manager module, include the necessary scripts in your nuxt.config.js file, and set up custom event triggers and data layer variables.

Installation of Nuxt.js GTM Module

The first step is to install the GTM module for your Nuxt.js project. You can easily achieve this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install @nuxtjs/gtm

This command installs the @nuxtjs/gtm module, which is an official package maintained by the Nuxt.js team. Note that @nuxtjs/google-gtag is the deprecated version of this package, so we recommend using @nuxtjs/gtm instead.

Configuring and Including Script in nuxt.config.js file

Once the installation is complete, you'll need to configure the GTM module in your nuxt.config.js file. Add @nuxtjs/gtm to the modules section and provide your GTM ID in the below format:

modules: [
    ['@nuxtjs/gtm', { id: 'GTM-XXXXXXX' }]

To include the GTM script in your default layout file, you would use the $gtm instance that is attached to the context in asyncData, fetch, plugins, middleware and nuxtServerInit:

export default {
  async mounted() {
   if (this.$gtm) {

Be sure to replace 'GTM-XXXXXXX' with your actual Google Tag Manager ID.

Setting up Custom Event Triggers and Data Layer Variables

With the setup above, you can now utilize the GTM to set up custom event triggers and data layer variables. To add a data layer variable in your Nuxt.js app, use the $gtm.push method like this:

this.$gtm.push({ event: 'myCustomEvent', someAdditionalData: 'some data'})

Now you have a custom event 'myCustomEvent' which you can trigger anytime in your application logic. The data layer variables can be used to provide additional context or information about the event.

Please note that GTM events and Google Analytics (GA) events are served different purposes. While GA events are generally used to measure user interactions and trends, GTM events can be more finely tuned to capture specifics of a user's behavior.

In sum, integrating Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js projects brings a lot of flexibility for developers to manage tags and tracking without having to touch the codebase. It simplifies the implementation of Google Analytics and other tracking technologies. With this step-by-step tutorial, you now have the essential knowledge to set up GTM in a Nuxt.js application.

The Perks of Incorporating Google Tag Manager into Nuxt.js

Incorporating Google Tag Manager into the Nuxt.js framework not only streamlines the process but also provides a number of unique benefits that developers might find useful. In this section, we'll delve into the specifics of why you should consider using Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js, touching on the following aspects:

Enhanced Tag Management

Google Tag Manager simplifies the process of managing digital marketing tags within Nuxt.js applications. It eliminates the complexity of editing website code, enabling you to add, edit, and remove tags swiftly, which contributes to a more dynamic and adaptive development process. The new Google Tag Manager module, @nuxtjs/google-gtag, provides robust tag management features that aligns well with the work demands of developers.

// Include the google-gtag module in your nuxt.config.js
modules: [

Effortless Tracking Technology Implementation

With Google Tag Manager, you can implement tracking technologies such as Google Analytics without interfering with the application's source code. By using $gtm.push(), it's easier to execute a push event or custom data within the Google Tag Manager data layer. This makes for a smoother navigation tracking experience throughout your Nuxt.js application.

// Example usage of $gtm.push() in your Nuxt.js component
this.$gtm.push({ event: 'eventName' })

Control for Marketing Initiative Execution

Google Tag Manager offers a higher degree of control over how and when tags are triggered, revolutionizing the execution of marketing initiatives. It provides customization options for defining tag firing rules, ensuring tags fire at the right time and the right context.

// Define firing rules for your tags within Google Tag Manager
tagConfiguration: {
  firingTrigger: {
    triggerType: 'Page View',
    filter: [{operator: 'EQUALS', parameter: 'pageHostname', value: ''}]

Tag Manager Feature Rundown

From setup instructions to integrating with the router, the Google Tag Manager module for Nuxt.js takes care of the heavy lifting. It's worth noting that while the @nuxtjs/gtm module is deprecated, it still provides a wealth of knowledge concerning Google Tag Manager's integration with Nuxt.js.

To sum up, Google Tag Manager's integration with Nuxt.js improves the workflow for developers, contributing to a more efficient and streamlined development process. Next, we'll continue delving into some common issues with Google Tag Manager in Nuxt.js and how to address them. Stay tuned!

Addressing Common Challenges in Google Tag Manager Nuxt.js Integration

Comparison of @nuxtjs/gtm and @nuxtjs/google-gtag

In the world of Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js, we encounter two prominent packages - @nuxtjs/gtm and @nuxtjs/google-gtag. Both of these have their strengths and nuances.

@nuxtjs/gtm is specifically designed to integrate Google Tag Manager with your Nuxt.js applications smoothly. Its excellent features include GTM script injection just after the <body> tag, support for various debug modes and adding other scripts like Facebook Pixel or Hotjar. This package is relatively easy to set up, configure and proved to be quite consistent.

On the other hand, @nuxtjs/google-gtag also provides tools for integrating Google's gtag.js. While it does work with Google Tag Manager, it's also built to work comprehensively with other Google tools like AdWords or Google Analytics. It could be a better fit if you're planning to integrate multiple Google tools in your Nuxt.js application.

Troubleshooting: Implementing GTM in Nuxt.js

A common hitch that developers often encounter when implementing GTM in Nuxt.js comes from adding the GTM script to the Nuxt.js application. Seemingly simple, it can be frustratingly elusive. An elegant solution exists here - the @nuxtjs/google-gtag module. This module makes the exercise of integrating Google Tags a joyride. And, if you want to do more than that, it can also facilitate you in adding other Google Scripts to your application, eliminating the need to configure and manage each script separately.

Examining Integration Issues and Possible Solutions

One of the integration issues often surfaced is related to tracking event data. A simplified and efficient way to deal with it is using a third-party tool like RudderStack. As one of the practical examples suggests, RudderStack removes the need for any additional code in tracking your event data, which can be a real lifesaver.

In the true spirit of open-source, the community has an active support system. The finest example would be the GitHub issue that discussed the challenge of adding the GTM script in the Nuxt.js application and offered a solution. Such community-driven approaches usually bring forth more viable resolutions.

All these factors, when dealt with precisely, can help you achieve a seamless Google Tag Manager Nuxt.js integration.

Exploring Real-Life Cases of Nuxt.js and Google Tag Manager Integration

Before concluding our in-depth analysis of integrating Google Tag Manager with Nuxt.js, let's explore some actual industry cases that highlight how these applications have been successfully combined in practice. Web developers often encounter scenarios where they need to track, analyze, and enhance a website's performance. Let's delve into some crisp case studies that provide insight into conquering these challenges using the power of Nuxt.js and Google Tag Manager.

Case Study One: GTM Integration using '@nuxtjs/gtm'

This case involved a highly-visited e-commerce website (Interested in e-commerce? Read this article about headless commerce!) considering incorporating more advanced tracking metrics, and the team decided to be in favor of the @nuxtjs/gtm module, a powerful tool built by the Nuxt.js community. Through the nuxt.config.js file, the team followed prescribed steps to correctly integrate Google Tag Manager and were able to take advantage of its built-in lifecycle hooks. Thus, this advanced method gave them more control and a deeper understanding of their user interactions.

Case Study Two: Simplified Tracking with RudderStack's Nuxt.js GTM Integration

In the second case study, the challenge was to integrate a complex analytics stack that included Google Tag Manager among other tools in a fast-growing startup with a Nuxt.js application. They discovered and employed RudderStack, a customer data platform, which greatly simplified the implementation of Google Tag Manager in their Nuxt.js app. This allowed them to maintain their brisk scaling pace, and helped them gain valuable insights about their users and product usage.

Case Study Three: Overcoming the GTM Script Addition Issue in Nuxt.js

A challenging situation was encountered in the third case where developers were facing issues incorporating the GTM script into their application using Nuxt.js due to an error concerning CSP rules. However, by understanding the depth of Nuxt.js configuration and tweaking the render.csp property of their nuxt.config.js file, they were able to override this barrier. Consequently, they successfully implemented GTM, consistent with their project's security policies and standards.

Paying heed to these case studies, we've witnessed the versatile interplay between Nuxt.js and Google Tag Manager, validating the intense integration capabilities that can be accomplished. The above cases underpin the fact that the right knowledge and tools can simplify complex processes bringing with them great potency to supercharge your site's analytics functions.

Using next.js? Read the article on Google Tag Manager with next.js.


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